Earth Sciences
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$181.00University of Maine SCI 110 Environmental Science Version 2SKU:KIT3710
This kit, designed for a full term of instruction, includes 15 labs and 24 experiments and exercises that dig up the geologic events that transformed the Earth.
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The eScience Labs Standard Physical Geology Kit uncovers the Earth from its deep interior to its dynamic surface. This kit is designed for a full term of instruction, and includes 15 labs and 21 exercises, ranging from analyzing nine minerals and 18 rocks to plate tectonics, mapping and Earth surface processes.
Designed to provide an alternative way to access the introductory material on iOS or macOS devices, the Physical Geology iBook contains all the introductory information for the 15 laboratory exercises included in the Standard Physical Geology Kit. The iBook chapters align with the online lab titles, but do not contain the laboratory exercises or data tables. The iBook is not required, but offered as a supplement to the kit.
SKU:Kit7103 -
Created for subject-focused terms, the eScience Labs Basic Physical Geology Kit has eight labs and 12 exercises that focus on analyzing nine minerals and 18 rocks, plate tectonics and mapping.
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Designed to seamlessly integrate into existing geology course curriculum, the eScience Labs Rocks and Minerals Kit is made up of nine minerals and 18 rocks, and includes five labs and five exercises ranging from plate tectonics to rock and mineral identification.
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The eScience Labs Environmental Science kit highlights the connection between Earth processes and human activities. From the atmosphere, through the biosphere, and down to the geosphere, this interdisciplinary kit explores Earth systems and examines environmental problems.
SKU:Kit3401 -
In the eScience Labs Astronomy Kit, students learn about the wonders of our universe through labs that range from exploring the characteristics of our Solar System to quantifying the gravitational properties of objects. This kit, built for one semester of instruction, includes 12 labs that investigate the cosmos and the laws that govern it.