Standard Kit - 2nd Edition Physical Geology
The eScience Labs Standard Physical Geology Kit uncovers the Earth from its deep interior to its dynamic surface. This kit is designed for a full term of instruction, and includes 15 labs and 21 exercises, ranging from analyzing nine minerals and 18 rocks to plate tectonics, mapping and Earth surface processes. This eScience Labs Physical Geology kit supports the student learning experience with an interactive manual, instructional videos, and other digital assets, such as Google EarthTM exercises - all ADA compatible.
Click here to view the Sample Lab
Designed to provide an alternative way to access the introductory material on iOS or macOS devices, the Physical Geology iBook contains all the introductory information for the 15 laboratory exercises included in the Standard Physical Geology Kit. The iBook chapters align with the online lab titles, but do not contain the laboratory exercises or data tables. The iBook is not required, but offered as a supplement to the kit.